Protect your solar panels

Solar panels – they help the environment and your energy bills. But they also create a cosy home for birds, and sometimes squirrels.

These can have a bad effect on your panels. They may damage the panels themselves, or the cables. They may cover the panels in droppings, reducing their power, and even block the drains around the roof. This all leads to future maintenance bills if the problem is not dealt with. We cover the edges of your panels with a sturdy mesh which prevents birds from getting access underneath them.

Solar Panel Damage

Birds are programmed to sit on roofs, and the increasing popularity of solar panels has created a warm, protective hideout for them.

Their nests can cause damage to exterior and interior parts of your solar panels and ultimately damaging your equipment.
Even the early signs of bird presence can be a real trouble for your panels: dirt and droppings quickly cover the surface of your panels, meaning a decrease in power and effectiveness. In addition to this, birds’ droppings are corrosive and can cause structural damage. They also carry diseases such as histoplasmosis and psittacosis. They can also be joined by squirrels and other rodents who are seeking a safe home. These can nibble through wires and other fixtures.

Here at Solar Bird Guard, we have the expertise and a safe programme to rid you of your unwanted residents and protect your solar panels from birds permanently. Our technicians will remove them humanely and make sure that they no longer have access to your solar panels, making sure your investment is protected and will continue to work as it should for years to come.

We are based in Liverpool, but are available for work all across the North West, including Manchester, Bolton and Warrington.